Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Hit Single from New Album by Panic ! At the Disco . . .

you have to check this out..

" The Ballad Of Mona Lisa " by Panic! At The Disco

She paints her fingers with a close precision
He starts to notice empty bottles of gin
And takes a moment to assess the sin she’s paid for...

A lonely speaker in a conversation
Her words are swimming through his ears again
There’s nothing wrong with just taste of what you paid for

Say what you mean tell me im right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown

He sense something call it desperation another dollar another day and if she has the proper words to say she’d tell but she’d have nothing left to sell him...

Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
Oh Mona Lisa
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown

Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
There’s nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for....

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Menghabiskan waktu di Lab. Mikrobiologi UMI.. :D

mmmhhhh... beberapa minggu ga mosting artikel sama skali jadi rindu juga nih..
this time, i wanna tell you about my activity for 2 weeks ago..

nah,,gini loh..skolahku tuh mewajibkan siswa-siswa kelas 3 untuk membuat usulan judul KIR dan nantinya judul yg dipilih oleh panitia harus dikembangkan jadi KIR..KIR sangat diwajibkan karena itu adalah syarat bagi kami (siswa kelas 3) untuk lulus dan mengikuti UN..eh,,ntar dulu,,dari tadi ngomong panjang lebar kalian tau kan KIR itu apa??yeppss,,KIR itu singkatan dari Karya Ilmiah Remaja..(untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut ttg KIR,,search aja lewat google..lebih lengkap)..

dulu saya ajuin 3 judul,,dan yang diterima yakni judul yang artinya aja saya ga tau..hhehe (soalnya itu semua judul yang disaranin ma bokap)..makanya pas mau nyusun bahan-bahannya saya malah kewalahan..